Love God And Neighbor

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Who we are:
A healthcare professional who is all about sharing positivity through words and action. At Love God And Neighbor we believe that we must act on knowledge and use it to better our environment and to better the lives of those around us.
Our Mission: To spread positivity and to encourage wellness. There are many troubling aspects in our daily lives that cause stress. Sometimes all that is needed is a kind word or gesture towards others to uplift them from a difficult of negative situation. At LoveGodAndNeighbor, our kind gesture we portray is the products that we make. We infuse knowledge, research, and love of humanity into each of our products with the intent to share goodness for body and soul; to help uplift from negativity to positive thinking.
It has often been said in various ways that positive thinking yields positive action; we hold this to be true at Love God And Neighbor.
Product line: The skin is the largest organ of the human body, and it absorbs anything that is placed on it within minutes. It is important for us to pay attention to what we put on our skin, because items with chemicals, even in small amounts, accumulate over years and at times cause serious health issues.
Our skincare products contain all-natural ingredients that treat and heal the skin. They are long-lasting, retain and seal in moisture, soothe, and protect the skin.

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